Rss feed url meaning
Rss feed url meaning

Note that your site can publish lots of different feeds. This allows RSS clients to find my sites’s feeds from any page. Personally, I put these tags in the source of every single page on my site. This is called feed autodiscovery and it works like this: Website owners can publish feed URLs in their site’s source HTML which allows RSS clients to automatically discover what they can subscribe to.

rss feed url meaning

There’s actually nothing magic about how these feed URLs are discovered by RSS clients. In cases where I do find a feed URL, I send them a quick message saying, “hey, did you know your feed URL isn’t being automatically discovered by RSS clients-but it can!?” In cases where I can’t find a feed URL, like a friendly RSS evangelist, I’ll lookup their contact info and send them a friendly message noting that there’s at least one person in the world looking to read their online writing via a feed. Sometimes I find a feed URL and sometimes I don’t. To find out which is the case, I then go to the person’s website in the browser and look for an RSS link somewhere in their UI.

  • They have an RSS feed, it just can’t be found.
  • However, sometimes a feed URL can’t be found automagically. I merely copy/paste their website URL into my RSS client and their feed gets picked up automagically.

    rss feed url meaning

    The easiest way to do that is add their website to my RSS reader.

    rss feed url meaning

    When I stumble on folks online whose writing I find interesting, I want to follow it.

    Rss feed url meaning